Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas Eve!

We are gearing up for a mellow Christmas Eve celebration tonight. The girls are napping, shell is whipping up some tasty grub, and I am, er....blogging.

Momma is making the girls a special dinner tonight...fried rice!!! We, on the other hand, are having fillets which I will be grilling in the rain because that is just what you have to do up here in the soggy PNW.

Mannheim is on repeat, "A Christmas Story" marathon should be starting soon, and we are anticipating the arrival of our "exclusive" guests, Uncle Corey and Bern.

I need to purge my flash card to get ready for picture snappin' this afternoon/evening, so I placed a few new pics of the kids on my flickr page. Enjoy!

I hope all of our friends, family, co-workers, and everyone else out there has a great Xmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Fesitivus, or whatever it is you plan on doing throughout the remainder of this year. Just have fun, and enjoy everyone around you and everything you have to be thankful for.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Zoinks! It's S-s-s-s-anta!!

We scored at the Kitsap Mall in the beautiful parking lot known as Silverdale, WA! We got the classic screaming with Santa picture! The twins obviously *love* Santa. Maybe next year they won't think Santa is such a creepy loser.

As for me...only a couple of days of geeking out on code left until the annual holiday shutdown. My brain needs the rest.

Hopefully I will have the time to compile all the video footage I took in China into something, like, artistic or something. That and I want to spend some quality time with my wife and kids, and the TV. I have a ton of Battlestar episodes queued up for my viewing pleasure.

The rain, gray, gloom was in full effect today, and tonight is supposed to bring us another round of evil wind, so I figured I would blog just in case we don't have power for a few days again. Stupid wind!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Power Is Cool

We had fun over the last two nights of "house camping", but it is certainly a relief that we finally have POWER!!! The juice started flowing about 20 minutes ago.

It wasn't so bad since we have a propane fireplace, range, and enough candles to start our own wax museum. The only bad part was the cold nights since the temps dropped about 15 degrees from the night of the wind/rain storm to now. Tonight is supposed to be down in the high 20s.

Anyway, three cheers for electricity!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Wind Storm

We are in the early stages of a wind storm that is supposed to be fairly nasty up here in western WA. Lights have been flickering for hours now.

Earlier I missed the ferry due to the weather (heavy rain/wind) and just like a couple of weeks prior, a Seahawks game. Thanks, NFL.

I'm hoping we have power in the morning as the strongest of the winds are due to hit after midnight. It's already windy enough so my confidence in staying electrified throughout the night is low.

Thursday, December 07, 2006!!!

Thanks to the Bray crew, our little nuggets have begun to explore the universe in their new ROCKET SHIP!! Forget Big Big World (that sloth is lazy anyway), O & V are blasting off in style now, ready for their next mission. Just a little patting power, and they're off!

That's right, they are also Little Einsteins fanatics.

Ground control to O & V. Commencing count down, engines on.