Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Buena Vista

That's where I'm at. Buena Vista, in San Francisco. Well...the Buena Vista lounge at SFO that is.

Had a good week in SF meeting with colleagues I normally only hear, or see popping up in my chat window. It was nice to see the newly acquired office digs. It makes me wonder if we would have moved back to the PNW if the acquisition would have happened 3 years ago. Hmm...maybe. We did end up owning a house out as a result of the move, so that's a positive thing.

The city was great as usual. I was able to see some friends, have some nice dinners, and experience the day-to-day SF groove in a small burst of three days. It still feels like home, but I am happy we moved.

Also this week, the rumors have been flying around the adoption circles that this month will include our referral date!! It is still a rumor, but even our mostly tight-lipped (sp?) agency has made mention of it; something they normally do not do.

If the rumor is true, we may know who our daughter is by next week or so. Exciting! If not, there's always next month.

Now, if they would just hurry up and finish the backyard so we can enjoy our very own Buena Vista of the open space behind our house.

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