Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween in NTW

Halloween in NTW is an event, not only for the hood, but for the entire freakin' island. You see, NTW is one of a handful of hoods where homes are close together like they are in the city. There are about 70 homes, so islanders who live on larger, more secluded lots will truck their kids in and unleash them on our hood.

This year there were roughly 250-300 kids roaming the streets in costume.

Last year, my lawn was destroyed by all the hooligans and their inability to follow the path to the the door. This year, I created a perimeter of tiki torches to help "illuminate" the path. It mostly worked, but there were still those kids who just didn't "get it" and decided to walk directly through the perimeter. Next year (per a neighbor's excellent suggestion) it's an electric fence.

Oh, we had some real winners from outside the hood this year. Some woman had the audacity to comment to her friend (while I was standing right there) that she didn't get our address numbers. They looked dyslexic to her. I turned to her and stated, "it's called 'Arts & Crafts'". She looked confused. One would think that common sense would tell you, A. A neighborhood full of only Craftsman homes is bound to have Arts & Crafts address numbers (which she obviously had no clue about), and B. Don't be an idiot and make such ignorant comments in front of the homeowner who is giving your kid free candy.

On a nice note, check out these cute kids in their kitty costumes! Vivienne and Olivia had fun making the rounds demanding candy from our neighbors. Mommy and daddy were lucky, too. At one house, we got a cocktail as our treat. Score!!


Anonymous said...

Hi, too too cute! I loved it! Grammy R

Anonymous said...

SOOOOOO Cute!!!!