Saturday, March 03, 2007

Wonder Twin Powers...


Form of...recent pics of the twins on my Flickr site.

You would most likely have to be a GenXer to recall that reference. Interestingly enough, our wonder twins can shape shift from happy toddlers to fit-throwing monsters with their magic twin power rings, although I've never *actually* seen the rings.

Most of the time they are really sweet, happy girls. I spent some good "dad" time with the kids today while momma was out with one of her pals who was also getting in some adult time away from her chilluns'.

We messed the house up, and ate a ton of cookies. It was great!

OK...we each had our two cookie limit, but we did mess the house up. be late, I'm sleepy, and I need to get as much rest as possible before the girls sound the wake up call at 6 am. Ugh...

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