Saturday, January 09, 2010

The Physics of Hair Nation

I am studying physics tonight--one of the 4 classes remaining in my degree program--and listening to Hair Nation on Sirius Internet radio, through my iPod touch, plugged into my sound card, pumping through the surround sound speakers connected to the computer.

Besides trying to form a mental model of the physics of the effects of a hair band's head banging movements on their, er, hair, I am literally surrounded by the physics of sound.

Who said hair rock (or its other notable monikers) wasn't scientific?


Unknown said...

Don't forget to account for the stiffness added by tons of hair spray. It seriously reduces the motion of the hair; but, can add a spring-like effect at the tail end of the head bang.

Chris Castleberry said...

Oh, yes. It might be interesting to calculate the spring force and elastic potential energy during a head bang. I can imagine a free-body diagram with the coordinate system all lined up with the hair and everything. Ya know, this kind of silliness might be what high school physics teachers should use to get their kids interested in it.

Unknown said...

that might work