So, as I was riding high on the news of my friend "The Chin" returning home safely, I ran across some disturbing news. One of my favorite family style, dive, Italian restaurant/bars in San Francisco had closed, only days after I had strolled by it thinking,"I should really stop in for some good down home Italian grub!".
I mean, this wasn't just *any* Italian restaurant; this place had existed in the same location for 86 years!! On top of that, it had red checkered table cloths, and the most basic Italian fare you could find in San Francisco (IMO anyway). When Rachelle and I lived in SF (especially when we lived in Russian Hill), I would drag her there more often than she liked.
There was one night that Rachelle, Greg and I went to the Spike (by my request of course). We got there a bit late, just before closing, and although they decided to seat us, they had run out of garlic bread. Rachelle and Greg were both shocked that an Italian joint could be out of garlic bread! I, on the other hand, attributed it to the fact that it was just the Spike, and that sometimes things didn't work out like those "fancy" restaurants we usually ate at.
The food wasn't great, but the atmosphere was unique; only in places such as the Gold Spike could you find that "been here forever, never going away" feel.
Well, I am sad to say that the Spike was laid to rest as of Monday February 20, 2006. I walked by the place just a little over a week prior, and I had no clue that a place like the Spike would vanish over a "landlord dispute".
Farewell Gold Spike! I hope your former space isn't turned into a yuppie bar, or a chain restaurant.
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