At long last, they (yes they!) have entered our lives! I told you today was going to be a wonderful day, but I don't think I understood how much joy I would feel when we got the news this afternoon that we are now the parents of not one but TWO beautiful baby girls!!
Please bare with me as I am typing in a state of shock. Seriously.
Their Chinese names are Chu Shuai Feng (top), and Chu Shuang Feng (bottom). This roughly translates to Cute and Double-cute. Looking at their photos you can obviously see why. :)
Chu Shuai and Chu Shuang were born on July 20th, 2005, so they will probably be just over 12 months when we meet them in China. Our prospective travel date is around mid August.
We have not yet decided if we will give them American first names, although we do have a couple picked out. I think we need to be in their presence to make that decision.
They are from the Jiang Xi Province in south eastern China, so other than Beijing, we will be spending most of our trip in the south. It will likely be HOT!
As you can imagine, Rachelle and I are excited, happy, overwhelmed with emotion, and SO ANXIOUS to bring them home soon! We are now an instant family of five, including Ophelia the cat, their older sister.
1 comment:
Hi Chris & Rachelle congrads on the instant family. They both are truly adorable and cute. Look forward to meeting them both one day. Best wishes from Tom Crawford!!!
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