I got busy and forgot I had a blog, that's what happened!
Anyway, where was I...
Oh yeah, the girls are growing like weeds, and beginning to enter the phase known as "NO!". They are almost 19 months old now!
We went on our first plane trip since returning from China, and it went pretty smoothly. OK, there was a snag in the form of Alaska Airlines delaying the flight to the point where we arrived at Grammy and Gong Gong's house at 1:30 am, cranky kids in tow. That sucked but the rest of the trip was fine. The girls are pictured here with Grammy and Gong Gong.
The girls got to see both sets of grandparents and they even got to meet one of their great grandmothers. They also met some great aunts, uncles, and great great uncle Raymundo (aka uncle Ray).
We have been busy working, and following our daily routine since then, and are just now coming up for air. I had the distinct pleasure of being solo dad for a week while Rachelle was out of town. The girls and I had lots of fun, and I now have a new appreciation for the benefits of daycare. I worked from home the entire week so I could be close to daycare in case I needed to fetch a sick kid or something. I actually accomplished more in that week than I have in a while, probably due to an extra 3 hours per day I didn't spend commuting.
This weekend, we are heading down to P-Town, PDX, Stump town, or as most people know it, Portland, Oregon. We are going to explore the neighborhoods a bit, take the girls to the Chinese Gardens, and contemplate what Portland might mean for us in the near future.
And with that, Happy Chinese New Year to all. Eat your pork because it's the year of the pig!
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