Monday, August 27, 2007

It Was One Year Ago Today...

One year ago today (China time), Rachelle, Chris, Vivienne and Olivia became a family. It's amazing to me that those once tiny girls--who could not get enough of the babbas full of formula--are now full-blown toddlers with a huge vocabulary and an affinity for apple juice, Elmo, stickers and bubbles. We ask them now, "how much does mommy[daddy] love you?". Their response--hands waving--"too much, too much.". Never too much!

Here is a recap of some of the funny things they say now.

"Too heavy!" (response to things heavier than stuffed animals)
"I go in there." (when they want to sleep in our room)
"Vivi dood it!" (Olivia's accusatory tone)
"Livi dood it!" (Vivi's answer)
"Bad news, mommy." (When something isn't good)
"What's up, bear?" (Their morning greeting to the old--and giant--Seattle FAQ Schwartz bear that lives at day care)
"My Sophia!" (Vivi's assertion about her bunny)
"My Katherine!" (Livi's assertion about her cat/purse)
"I sleep more!" (What they say after keeping us up at night wanting to "go in there")
"I pet the kitty" (Usually uttered before grabbing Ophelia's tail)
"That's mommy's juice[daddy's beer]." (Wine is juice--technically.)
"Where [insert name of stuffed animal or parent] go?" (constantly!)

This week they also entered the early pre-school class. This year has flown by--too fast, too fast.


Anonymous said...

Happy Family Anniversary!!!

Cookie-Bum/Sticka-Bum is also pretty damn funny.

Chris Castleberry said...

Yes, of course! "Sticka-Bum go?"