Thursday, March 11, 2010

Three Weeks!

After six years of pursuing my BSCS, I am only three weeks from completion. It has been a long road, with working full time (often more than that), being an attentive husband, and halfway through becoming a father to twin girls, but the end is near. I am pleased that I stuck it out and that Rachelle and the kids put up with me during my academic trek, and I am ready to be DONE--at least until I take a break and consider a Masters in CS or something related. My industry continues to become fiercely competitive, and a Masters can't hurt.

One thing I learned from this late-blooming experience was: don't put off going to college until full, career-having, parental adulthood! It makes everything that much more difficult. Of course, I don't regret spending my twenties pursuing a music career--I had a great time writing songs, playing live, and working in the studio. I also don't regret the choices I made to keep that "side job" at Hewlett Packard, that eventually led me to a fruitful career in software development. Nevertheless, my advice to my girls will be, "go to college, and then figure out what you want to do!"


Unknown said...

Wow! Two posts in one day. Amazing. :)

I tell my girls that there are only two rules:
(1) Get a bachelors degree from whatever school you like.
(2) Don't get pregnant until you do #1.

Chris Castleberry said...

I felt peer pressure to post more often! :)

And, yeah...#2 is also my mantra. In fact, I would be cool with them putting off dating altogether until they finish college. We'll see if that happens.