Monday, July 30, 2007

Digging the Beach

We hung out at the beach again today, and this time we didn't see any bees. Nevertheless, Olivia's tummy was bothering her early on (they have both been fighting a nasty daycare bug) so we started off the second day wondering if we would be able to spend any quality time with the sand and surf. A little time passed and we were all enjoying ourselves, so things went well.

Mom and Vivienne (pictured) took a trip out to the water, while dad and Olivia chilled back at camp (~50 yards away). For some reason (bee aversion perhaps?), Olivia passed on visiting the surf today. She still had fun, and was later quite enthusiastic about constructing sand cakes with mommy and digging a giant hole with daddy. That's right, my big contribution of the day was digging a 3x3x2 (or similar dimensions) hole using only children's plastic shovels (and small shovels at that).

Here you see daddy and girls crouching in the hole. I later expanded the hole a bit and even built a sand slide which descended into the hole. The girls were totally hip to the slide.

Tomorrow...likely more beach time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cuuuuute pictures. See you Thursday!