Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Piggies and the Evil Sun

The twins got their first pigtails on July 1st! They were quite thrilled with the process, and they affectionately referred to them as PIGGIES! They also call them PONIES! They now request them on a regular basis.

This picture shows the girls grumpily displaying their piggies. The grumpy facial expressions are the result of a run-in with their sworn enemy the SUN! I don't really understand why the girls dislike the sun so much. Anything, even a bright incandescent bulb, is annoyingly referred to as "SUN!". We asked the girls today, a bright, sunny and rare 95+ day, if they liked the rain or the sun. They quickly replied, "RAIN!". One of their favorite books is "Just a rainy day" which, by the way, is in need of replacing after MANY evening readings. I guess it was their destiny to end up in the Pacific Northwest.

In other news, rumor has it that Grammy (who lives in the phone, as far as the girls know) is coming for a visit from her new seaside home in San Diego next week. The girls are very excited!

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