Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Control That Tone

Grrr....(that is the sound of frustration).

I have been trying unsuccessfully to locate a coupld of vintage Ludwig internal tone control mufflers to replace those missing from my beloved kit. All the drum shops I know about (even the best shop in the west, Sam Adato's in SF) don't have any, and so I have been reduced to trolling for them on eBay. I have even sent a message to a collector in the UK, hoping he may have some lying around.

Well, it seems these things are extremely rare and terribly popular. The irony here is that in the 1970's drummers couldn't remove and trash these items fast enough. Hence why they are missing from my 1965 drum set. Perhaps I should begin searching landfills?

Anyway, I have lost a few auctions, and now have my bid in on a pair that ends tomorrow, so we'll see if I finally get lucky.

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