Wednesday, May 31, 2006


So, our new neighbors are having a baby tomorrow (scheduled c-section), and as a way to show our kindness as neighborinos, my lovely wife offered to organize bringing them dinner for a week or so after their daughter joins their family. They were humbled, as I would certainly be.

This was all going great until some other neighbors (who they have met once) informed them they were doing the same for them. Great! Right?

Sure, it is nice and all, but here is the rub...

My lovely wife was subtly informed by the other neighbor that there is a group of "moms" that handle this sort of thing around here, and that she need not be concerned about it, but thanks for the thought.

Maybe you're wondering what the big deal is?

Well, the problem is that it's fairly well-known that we are adopting (due to fertility problems), so the statement about the "group of moms" is *highly* offensive. The other thing is that perhaps these "moms" should have consulted with neighbors that actually live nearby, instead of assuming that they control all events related to new babies, as they claim.

To make a long story short, like the *concern* about what we are doing in our backyard, there is a fair amount of extremely odd controlling behavior being exhibited by people around here who have too much time on their hands.


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