Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I mentioned in an earlier post about a critter that decided to take up residence in my Rover.

Well, the story is, I had a Power Bar in the glove box left by the previous owner (currently on safari in Africa). I was too lazy to remove it, and while the painters were hanging around, the Rover slept in the garage for a couple of weeks.

Anyway, a little rodent decided to help him/herself to the Power Bar, much to Rachelle's shock and awe when I asked her to retrieve the tire gauge from the glove box!

So, I cleaned the Rover real nice, and then we installed a sonic rodent annoyance thingy in the garage in addition to a couple of peanut butter laden "traps".

Two days later, SNAP!!!

R.I.P. my little rodent friend.

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