Friday, March 05, 2010

Moving in the Positive Direction

I finally feel like--for now anyway--things are moving in the positive direction on the j-o-b front. Had a couple of really great phone interviews today with a couple of teams internally, and a phone interview earlier in the week with an external opportunity that went well enough that they want me to come in and meet the team next week for more--you guessed it--interviews. I'm hoping that one of the internal opportunities works out, since there are some really interesting problems I can contribute to solving, and I would finally get some professional experience with Java! The meter is pointing to positive for that particular role, but one never can tell how these things will turn out until someone calls with an offer. The other role would be an interesting challenge as well, but the team has some concerns about me being in Seattle and they being in SJ, so I feel reluctant to enter into any situation where people have any sort of reservations about hiring me. And, I still have the current gig to handle until at least June, or until another offer rolls in. So, there are still lots of options on the table and I am hopeful that it will all work out very soon.


Unknown said...

Best of luck! Anyone I know?

Chris Castleberry said...

Not sure. FC team and AIR team are the two I am talking with now, the former being the most likely fit at the moment.

Chris Castleberry said...

And thanks, btw!

Unknown said...

I work fairly closely with FC, drop me a line privately (at work address) with some details and I'll see whom I can chat up.