Thursday, March 11, 2010

Separate Rooms

It has been about 3 weeks now, and the new arrangement for the twins is working out OK. They came to us (actually Olivia did on her own) and requested that they have their own bedrooms, after spending their entire lives so far together. So we reluctantly gave up our coveted "extra room" for guests, though in truth this room received few guests over the course of a typical year, and so it mostly sat there looking like a page from a Pottery Barn catalog. The big bed is still there, and Vivienne has an extra bunk now, so our occasional guests can still use the room--if they don't mind sleeping in a room full of children's books, toys and stuffed animals.


Unknown said...

Interesting. I assumed they would always want to stay together. My brother and I had separate rooms growing up but 9 nights out of 10 we stayed in the same room until he moved out at 18 (he was 4 years older.)

What made them want their own room?

Chris Castleberry said...

There have been a few nights of them ending up in the same room. The "own room" trigger was a fight they had over some toys or something like that. Rachelle also read in a twins handbook (don't know the title off-hand) that around 4 or 5 is about the time that some twins decide they need their own space.