Sunday, September 30, 2007

Jar Jar Lives Here

I am a self-professed Star Wars junky, but even I thought Jar Jar was LAME--even the Ewoks were tolerable when compared to the floppy-eared buffoon that commanded way too much screen time in Episode I. Anyway, you might find it amusing to know that the twins , in their determination to do things on their own, have adopted Jar Jar's speaking style. Around here we here we often hear things like "Thisa my do it." or "Mesa by my own". It's cute, and I don't know where hey picked it up--I haven't unleashed the Star Wars saga on them yet--but why Jar Jar? Why couldn't they speak like Yoda? I would much rather hear phrases like, "To the potty I go" or "Potty Power I please watch" or "More milk I have please." Hmmm...maybe it's time to sit them down for a viewing of Empire Strikes Back and a language lesson from a 900 year old Jedi Master?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about a little Vadar....
When you yell out come here girls, they can say "what is thy bidding, my master?"

At least Jar Jar is better than R2D2, you would get nothing more than a series of beeps and whistles....

If you want them to be well rounded, you have to find a way to mix in a little Ob1....
